- Working Knowledge of Graphic Design Software and Digital Tools
- The use of Canva allows for customization of the document for the needs of the designer. In this design I chose to use a Video document that would allow me to edit the timeline and input larger files such as audio and video files. Also available in Canva are audio adjustments which I used in this project to fade in and out the audio track. Other tools also transitioning elements that I used to dissolve, fade or match and move elements such as images, text and shapes.
- Elements of Design
- There are several video clips that are included in this design. Each clip is paired with a text at the bottom of each scene to provide more information about the program. For example, I also used text images to create 3D style words that “stomp” into and at the center of the design. Each of the videos also takes up each frame allowing for assured balance. The use of contrast of the text and shapes against the video allows for better legibility.
- Creative Self-Expression and Originality
- To market the Dungeons and Dragons program I wanted to create a video that feels like a game. I wanted to incorporate a medieval feel. I included music that was bold while still had some emotion to capture the audience’s attention. I also wanted the text to appear as if it were part of a movie. I searched for 3D letters that matched the style I was going for. I also worked to have the audio to match the videos included in the project.
- Evidence of Thoughtful and Appropriate Critique Skills
- I believe that I have utilized the feedback given to me regarding this project. As with this project I have received feedback from my colleagues. One of which oversees the Dungeons and Dragons program, and he said that the video was “too fast” in some instances and “needed transitions” (Esquivel III, 2024). I was appreciative of Joe’s feedback as I feel that he was right, and the video needed to be updated so that the user has more time per slide to be read by the audience (Esquivel III, 2024).
- Evidence of Following Directions
- I feel that I successfully created and edited the video to market a Dungeons and Dragons program. Each video represented a magical theme during a medieval period. I also edited the video to reflect some necessary changes such as the addition of transitions and changes in the speed of the videos.
- Craftsmanship and Attention to Detail
- My attention to detail in this project was necessary to sync the video images to that of the audio. Another detail that I focused on was the need to include text on each slide to explain why the video is included in the design. I also included transitions that would allow the text to flow with the videos by using the “Move and Match” transition.
(Esquivel III, J., personal communication, October 5, 2024)