- Working Knowledge of Graphic Design Software and Digital Tools
- The Pasta Amore menu was created in Adobe InDesign. The images were edited in Adobe Photoshop. Upon refining the menu, a large edit was for the focal point image on the cover of the menu. Using Adobe Photoshop I refined the image by using the eraser tool to erase the white outline around some of the elements in the photo.
- Elements of Design
- Using the layers available in Adobe InDesign I was able to create an ambiance of a family-owned restaurant with a brick wall. Another element being the main image on the cover of the menu cover showcases traditional recipes using fresh ingredients. There is a balance using the gridlines to place elements such as the green outline and the restaurant logo. The menu titles are also centered for each category and the menu items are also aligned to the left while the prices are to the right. The logo is presented using good contrast against dark backgrounds while also utilizing the color tomato against a white background for the same effect.
- Creative Self-Expression and Originality
- The use of brick walls is something that is unique to me. As a child there was a local family-owned pizza place whose decor included brick walls. For me this brings back happy memories and I feel that it gives off a homey feel. Another form of originality is the use of fresh ingredients, being the focal point as I feel that a successful restaurant uses fresh ingredients and even more so for traditional restaurants.
- Evidence of Thoughtful and Appropriate Critique Skills
- Regarding the critique for this design, I feel that I received good feedback. I feel that I have been receptive of the critique that I have received for my designs, however there was one that I feel that I appreciate but would prefer not to follow. Mercedez Mergy did suggest that I should cut the wall to fit in the design to fit the border, however this is a special part of my design that I would prefer to keep as a unique intentional element (Mercedez, 2024).
- Evidence of Following Directions
- The assignment given was to create a menu based on the information and colors provided for Pasta Amore. I feel that by researching traditional Italian dishes while also keeping in mind that this would be a family-oriented restaurant helped me to successfully create the menu. While the assigned format required the delivery to include the Marks and Bleeds for printing it is not included in this deliverable as it is currently intended for digital view.
- Craftsmanship and Attention to Detail
- Included in the design are shapes to lead the reader from top to bottom of the menu. Including only a few pages in the menu creates quality control for the staff and does not overwhelm the customer. I feel that I have included the appropriate colors such as red, white and green as well as included food options that would be typically served in this type of restaurant.
Mercedez, M. (2024, September 15). Re: 2-1 Student Discussion: Peer Feedback, Batch 1 [Discussion post]. Southern New Hampshire University. https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/ content/1700519/viewContent/35004654/View